Upcoming Events

Child Dedication
On Sunday, April 6, 2025, during the 10:30 Sunday morning service, we will offer encouragement and prayer to families who have welcomed babies or children into their homes.
Registration is required. If you want to participate, please follow the link below and register by March 31, 2025.

Celebrate Easter with Capitol City Christian Church!
Capitol City will host Easter worship on Sunday, April 20 at 8:00 am, 9:30 am, and 11:00 am. Please click the link below for descriptions of the services, locations, childcare details, and more information to plan your visit.

Vacation Bible School
Join us this summer for a True North Vacation Bible School! We are going on the ultimate Alaskan adventure where the northern lights glow over the majestic mountains, racing rivers and glistening glaciers. We will learn Jesus is a faithful friend we can always trust! As we seek Him we will discover He is our True North!
Dates: July 13th-17th
Time: 6:00-8:15 pm (PreK-Kindergarten Dismissed at 8:00 pm)
Ages: 5yrs-5th Grade
Family Meal served each day at 5:15 pm.
Pre-Register by April 30th for a Free T-Shirt!

Missions Weekend
Join us Sunday, March 23rd, for a meal and a program highlighting our mission partners held in the Atrium at 12:00 p.m.
Please click the link below to RSVP.
Register Here

Biblical Financial Principles
Join us for a 5-week elective class on Sunday afternoons! This class will help you apply God's wisdom to your finances, covering key topics like stewardship, budgeting, and generosity. We'll meet on Sunday, March 16 from noon to 1:30 p.m. Lunch and child care are provided.

Clothing Exchange
Join us to shop for clothes, kids toys, household items and more, free of charge, for you and your whole family. Please use the Northwest Entrance.

Worship Center Prayer Open House
Before we sing our praises and share His Word in the new Worship Center, you are invited to join us in prayer. On Saturday, January 11, from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m., we are hosting an open time of prayer where we will praise God for where we've been, reflect on the current direction of our hearts, and anticipate the many people who will find and follow Jesus in this space. You’re welcome to come for 5 minutes, half an hour, or the whole time.

Christmas Eve
Are you looking for a meaningful way to celebrate Christmas this year?
Join us as we rediscover the joy and wonder of Jesus' birth and the hope that only He can bring.

Christmas in 5 Letters: JESUS
Sunday, December 15th 5:00-7:00P
Wednesday, December 18th 6:00-8:00P
Join us as we make this Christmas all about JESUS with this family event that will bring us closer to each other and the heart of God.
We will celebrate God's relentless love that broke through every barrier and came to dwell with us as a tiny baby who grew up to be our Savior.
Through Bible readings, interactive experiences and heartfelt conversations, we will encounter Jesus as:
*Foretold by Prophets
*Conceived by a Virgin
*Proclaimed by Shepherds
*Worshipped by Magi
*Celebrated by us!

Beyond Prison
Beyond Prison is an opportunity for our church community to support families who have incarcerated parents. It's coming up on Sunday, December 8th from 12:30-2:00 pm!
Beyond Prison is an extension of our yearly Destination Dad Christmas event where families interact and mingle with Christ-followers and feel God's love in a tangible way.
Stop by the kiosk in the Atrium on a Sunday morning to grab a gift tag or sign up to serve as a volunteer.

Women’s Brunch
Ladies, you’re invited to join us for a festive and fun Women's Christmas Brunch on Saturday, December 7, from 9:30-11:00 AM! We'll be serving quiche to enjoy together, and if you'd like, you’re welcome to bring a side dish to share—but it’s not required.
Please register at the link below or in the Atrium so we can plan accordingly. We look forward to celebrating this special season together!

Upward Sports Registration
Upward Sports provides an opportunity to learn about a sport, have healthy competition, and learn life lessons, all while having fun. Upward Sports is about all of that while being centered around Christ. You, your friends, your neighbors, and your community are all invited to join this sports program. Follow the link below to learn more and get signed up.

Operation Christmas Child Collection Week
Operation Christmas Child is a ministry that seeks to share the love of Jesus with kids around the world through the gift of a shoebox. National Collection Week is November 18-25. Please use the West entrance.
Collection Hours:
Nov 18-22: 5:00p-7:00p
Nov 23-24: 1:00p-3:00p
Nov 25: 10:00a-4:00p
Watch the video below for how to pack a shoebox!

Trunk or Treat
Trunk or Treat is a fun, safe way for kids to dress up in costumes and walk around collecting treats from decorated car trunks in our parking lot. We will have free food, inflatables, and, of course, lots of candy!
Everyone is welcome, please invite your friends!
Capitol City Family, CLICK HERE to sign up to host a trunk, provide candy, or help out at the event.

Men’s Cookout
Join us for food and the opportunity to fellowship with the men of Capitol City. You’ll have a chance to grill your own steak!
Please register by October 7th.

Fall Fun Fest
Kick off the new school year and our fall programming with your Capitol City family and lots of fun!
10:00AM - Family Service
11:00AM - Fun Begins!
During this special Sunday morning and afternoon we’ll worship together in one family service to start the day. This will be a little different than our normal Sunday morning - so we invite you to wear casual Sunday attire showing your school spirit!
Children in kindergarten and older will join their families in the service and we’ll have special music and activities for the kids to be involved. Children’s ministry will be available for nursery through Pre-K.
Immediately following the service we’ll have yard games, water games, a bounce house, a cookout, and Kona Ice! You and your family are invited to join us! Please bring clothes to play in the water for the kids and a side dish or dessert to share with your church family. Hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided. We can’t wait to see you there!

Kids Music/Singing Workshop
Ages: K-5th Grade
“Honor the Lord our God. Worship at his feet. He is holy.” Psalm 99:5
We will take a look at the book of Psalms which really is an ancient songbook filled with 150 songs that praise and honor God. Singing praise songs is not only what we do at church - we can sing to him anywhere!
At this workshop, kids will work on a couple of songs that they will then share with friends and family at our Back to School Prayer and Worship Night on August 7th.

Fireworks Tent
Every year the Lord works powerfully through the set-apart time for teaching, worship, and community that Capitol City students encounter at camp. Stop by July 3rd & 4th from 9:00a to 10:00p to help impact the next generation as all proceeds go to sending kids to camp. We’ll be set up in the East Parking Lot!
Contact david@capitolcity.org to serve at the fireworks tent.

2nd-3rd Grade Summer JAM
Summer JAM is for students who will be going into 2nd and 3rd grade in the fall of 2024.
It is an overnight camp designed specifically for your child to help them grow in their relationship with God and others. This year we will learn the survival skills needed to grow in our relationship with God. We will enjoy times of worship, Bible teaching, small group time, and of course fun camp activities.
Summer JAM | Incoming 2nd & 3rd Grade
June 27th - June 29th
Cost: $50
Location: Covenant Cedars Bible Camp
Registration deadline: 6/3/2023

4th - 5th Grade Ignite Camp
Ignite camp is a 4-day camp designed specifically for incoming 4th-5th graders to help them grow in their relationship with God and others. This week of camp is the highlight of the year for so many kids! They’ll get to try new things, enjoy the camp experience, and grow in their relationship with God and others.
Ignite Camp provides students with a great opportunity to step away from daily distractions and grow in their faith. Students will participate in engaging worship, large group teaching, small group discussion, and lots of fun camp activities, including swimming, outdoor games, zip-line, crate stacking, gaga ball, and campfires. It’s going to be an exciting and fun few days!
Ignite Camp | Incoming 4th & 5th Grade
June 23rd - June 26th
Cost: $110
Location: Covenant Cedars Bible Camp
Registration deadline: 6/3/2023

Kids Fun in the Sun
Ages: 1st-5th Grade
Jesus called a group of fishermen to follow him. We will take a look at how Jesus called them to become “fishers of men” and how He calls us to do the same today!
“'Come and follow me,' Jesus said. 'I will send you out to fish for people.'” Mark 1:17

Middle School Summer Camp
All current 5th-7th grade students, you’re invited to join us for Middle School summer camp! Please register by filling out the form below before April 30th.
Summer Camp dates are June 10th - 15th at Camp Maranatha near Maxwell, Nebraska.
Please join us for the best week of your summer!

PreK-K Camp
Ages: 2 years - Kindergarten
We are all running this race called life. At PreK-K Camp we will learn how we can run the race keeping our eyes on Jesus!
“In a race, all the runners run. But only one gets the prize. You know that, don’t you? So run in a way that will get you the prize.” 1 Corinthians 9:24

Kids Paint Workshop
Ages: 1st-5th Grade
Join us as we take a look at God's creativity in creation and how we can use painting to create works of art to bring God glory.
“Praise the Lord for the glory that belongs to him. Worship the Lord because of his beauty and holiness.” Psalm 29:2

High School Summer Camp
All current 8th-11th grade students, you’re invited to join us for High School CIY summer camp! Please register by March 10th!
Summer Camp dates are June 2nd-6th in Joplin, Missouri.
Please join us for the best week of your summer!

Summer with Capitol City
Summer 2024 is packed with fun events for the children and students in your life!
Each summer, the Lord works powerfully through the set-apart time for teaching, worship, and community that Capitol City children and students encounter at these events. What a great way to energize your kids to understand the Word of God and spend intentional time with God and others.
Click here for details and to register.

Women’s Spring Dessert
Ladies of Capitol City, you're invited to join us for an evening of sweet treats & testimonies on Wednesday, May 29th from 6:30 - 8:00 PM in the Atrium. If you're looking to make friends & deepen relationships within our church family, this night is for you! We'll gather to share stories, laughter, and the joy of serving together.
Please register below to be sure we have enough sweet treats to go around!
Click here to register

Men’s Breakfast
Men of Capitol City, join us for an excellent opportunity to fellowship with other Capitol City men while enjoying good food. We will have guest speaker John Baker with us talking about “Life Relaunch” and the purpose you are made for and the power to get there.
Register Here

“The Story of Reality” Study
You’re invited to join us for a new study starting April 2nd! This group will meet for 6 weeks on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm at the church building.
Greg Koukl's The Story of Reality tells the story of "how the world began, how it ends, and everything important that happens in between." This big-picture, birds-eye-view, study shows how Christianity is the best explanation for the way things are. All of the pieces of the puzzle fit together perfectly in the Christian worldview. This study will show that the Christian worldview is the right one and that our lives have real meaning because of it. Click here for a video with more information.
Click the link below to sign up and join us for this 6-week study. Everyone is welcome!

Day Without Shoes Collection Site
Capitol City will be a collection site for the People's City Mission's annual Day Without Shoes shoe drive.
Day Without Shoes began to help raise awareness of the impact a pair of shoes can have on a person's life. During the first two weeks of April, the community is encouraged to donate their new or used shoes or make a cash donation to help every struggling family get a pair of shoes.
Please bring your donations to the West Entrance during regular office hours Monday through Thursday, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM, or bring them with you on Sunday morning to the Atrium!
Click here to watch a video from the People’s City Mission about Day Without Shoes.

Easter in 5 Letters
Join us on March 27 for a fun, interactive event for the whole family. Easter is all about Jesus. As we rotate through stations we will experience the heart of God as we walk down the path Jesus took to the cross.
*Jesus Comes to Jerusalem as King
*Jesus Washes the Disciples' Feet as a Humble Servant
*Jesus Prays in the Garden as a Man of Sorrows
*Jesus Dies as the Perfect Sacrifice
*Jesus Beats Death as a Conquering Champion
We will have rotations that start every 15 minutes with the last one starting at 7:30pm. Sign up for the time slot that works best for your family.

IF:Gathering 2024
Join us for IF: Gathering 2024 in the Student Center to celebrate 10 years of IF as we Mark This Moment. What is God asking us to do in these next ten years, and how are we going to live differently? Come join us as we talk about our next steps. Together.
February 23rd from 6:00p-10:00p and February 24th from 9:00a-4:30p.
No childcare is available for this event.
Registration is $35.00 per person, including snacks and Saturday Lunch.

Date Night With Dad
Join us for a special evening for you and your daughter or granddaughters. We’ll provide a sit-down dinner and a few ways for you to connect with and treasure them. We will also provide some suggestions for how you might extend an invitation to a date night on your own.
RSVP is required, and we request “Sunday Best” attire.