What is “Gather & Grow”?
Gather & Grow is the name of our Worship Center renovation project. Our goal with the project is to have a worship-focused space where all of our Sunday morning services can be hosted. We plan to update just about all the finishes in the Worship Center including carpet, paint, lighting, seating, and audio-visual technology.
Why are we doing this renovation?
Our mission is to unify the congregation on Sunday mornings into one space that’s built specifically for worship services. We desire to have our physical spaces serve one specific purpose to allow for specialized use of the building - the worship spaces are built with worship in mind, the gathering spaces (like the Atrium) for fellowship, and the recreation spaces (like the Event Center) for activities.
How long will this project take?
Work in the Worship Center will begin Monday, April 29th and we anticipate the project will complete within 10-12 months. Our elders and staff will provide regular updates to the congregation throughout the project.
Where do I go for worship services now?
Starting Sunday, May 5th, all Sunday morning worship services will be hosted in the Event Center. We ask you please enter through the West, Northeast, and Northwest entrances on Sunday mornings to avoid traffic through the construction zones. On Monday, October 21st, the Southeast Entrance and Foyer areas will be closed and locked for construction. This is for the safety of everyone at Capitol City. If you need access to the elevator, please contact one of our staff members who will happily help you. We anticipate this section of our building will re-open on December 1st.
Will this renovation change the style of worship we have at each service?
In short, no. We will continue to have hymns and a more traditional style of worship at the 9:00 am service, and a more contemporary feel at the 10:30 am service.
I have more questions, who can I talk to?
Please click here to send in your questions and we’ll have the appropriate elder, staff, or committee member reply. If the link doesn’t work, please send an email to communication@capitolcity.org with the subject “Gather & Grow Question.”