Rooted Rants
We want you to be involved by submitting questions for us to discuss on Rooted Rants. Please fill out the form below to submit questions by Monday evening.
Rooted Rants will be available Thursday afternoons at
Rooted Rants Introduction
Join us each week as John Muffler and a special guest will dig deeper by discussing topics related to our Rooted Study. Join us next week as we discuss the story of Rooted and how we can connect with God, the Church, and our purpose.
Rooted Rants Episode 1
Join John Muffler and Zaylee Vander Vorst as they discuss how we can connect with God, the Church, and our purpose through our Rooted study.
Rooted Rants Episode 2
No matter who we are or where we come from, we each have an idea about God. Join John Muffler and Meghan Ehrke as they discuss the topic Who is God?
Rooted Rants Episode 3
Throughout history, God has demonstrated his desire to communicate with us. In this episode, John Muffler and Roger Fletcher are here to answer your questions about how God communicates with us and how we can communicate with God.
Rooted Rants Episode 10
When we are part of a church, we are in relationships with other members of our church. We are a part of something bigger than ourselves. We are not only served, but we serve others as well. Join John Muffler and Aaron Guthrie as they discuss Why Is The Church Important?
Rooted Rants Episode 4
Where is God? When doubt or tragedy touches our lives, we struggle to make sense of it all. Our hope comes from knowing that however difficult our circumstances may be, we can trust God because he is in control. Join John Muffler and Todd Grove as they discuss the topic of Where is God in the midst of suffering?
Rooted Rants Episode 5
The worldview of the Bible is characterized by warfare between God’s Kingdom and Satan’s. It is important that we understand that God was, is, and will be the winner of this battle. Join John Muffler and Warren Odgers as they discuss the topic of There Is An Enemy.
Rooted Rants Episode 6
As Christ's followers, we are called to share God’s love by participating in the ministry of Jesus in the world and in His Church. God redeemed us, and it’s out of our love for Him that we can be Christ’s hands and feet to our family, friends, neighbors, and the world. Join John Muffler and Karen Beck as they discuss How Can We Make The Most Of Our Life?
Rooted Rants Episode 7
God has given each of us unique gifts and talents to help bring help and hope to a hurting world. Join John Muffler and Chei Driewer as they discuss how we can determine and deploy our gifts to be agents of change for God’s Kingdom.
Rooted Rants Episode 8
The way we think about money and the place it has in our lives is extremely important. So important that Jesus taught about money more than faith and prayer. He knew how easily money could strangle the very purpose we were created for. Join John Muffler and Nate McClung as they discuss How God Views Money.
Rooted Rants Episode 9
Every person in the world has a sphere of influence. Whether you like it or not, you are impacting the people around you by the way you think, live, and act. As Christians, we are the light of the world, and we should give God glory as we share our story. Join Todd Grove and Beth Sorensen as they discuss How and Why We Should Tell Others About Jesus.